term and condition
Cookie policy
We haven’t gathered enough information to determine whether or not you are clearly indicating in your cookie policy all third parties that install, manage, or access cookies via your site/app, with a link to their respective policies. This is likely to happen when something hasn’t been set up correctly. We highly recommend you check this out. The iubenda Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution instantly integrates with your Privacy and Cookie Policy across your website/apps helping you to comply with the GDPR and Cookie Law. Otherwise, you can override this result.
⚠️ You’re missing a privacy policy for your users.
Visitors to your site should be able to find a privacy policy that lays out how you process their data and why.
Visitors to your site should be able to find a privacy policy that lays out how you process their data and why.
We haven’t gathered enough information to determine whether or not you are indicating inside your privacy policy the identity and contact details of the controller, its representative, and DPO (if applicable). This is likely to happen when something hasn’t been set up correctly. We highly recommend you check this out. iubenda’s Privacy and Cookie Policy Generator can help you fix this issue. Otherwise, you can override this result.
We haven’t gathered enough information to determine whether or not you are providing transparency on which third parties will have access to the information.This is likely to happen when something hasn’t been set up correctly. We highly recommend you check this out. iubenda’s Privacy and Cookie Policy Generator can help you fix this. Otherwise, you can override this result.
The majority of laws require that you obtain user consent and/or give a simple method for users to withdraw consent, as well as that you notify users about your data processing activities (usually done through a privacy notice). Your privacy policy must provide users with clear, unambiguous information about your data-gathering processes.
We haven’t gathered enough information to determine whether or not you are providing details on your processing activities by displaying clauses related to signup forms, marketing activities, internal analytics, etc. This is likely to happen when something hasn’t been set up correctly. We recommend you check this out. iubenda’s Privacy and Cookie Policy Generator can help you fix this issue. Otherwise, you can override this result.
It seems that your website or app has been translated into more than one language, but we haven’t gathered enough information to determine whether or not your legal documents are also available in every language. This usually happens when something hasn’t been set up correctly; we highly recommend you check this out. iubenda’s Privacy and Cookie Policy Generator and Terms and Conditions Generator can help you fix this issue. Otherwise, you can override this result.
⚠️It looks like you don’t have a Consent Database connected to your website.
Maintaining a comprehensive consent record is a requirement for many privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
But don’t worry, with our Consent Database you can easily record when your users grant consent on your website and you can store that information as proof.
Maintaining a comprehensive consent record is a requirement for many privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
But don’t worry, with our Consent Database you can easily record when your users grant consent on your website and you can store that information as proof.
We can’t gather enough information to know if you’re keeping a record of your users’ cookie consent and preferences. Some laws may require you to obtain, store, and report on consent for cookies.
iubenda’s Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution includes a cookie banner to collect consent, and a Cookie Preference Log where you can audit, filter, and retrieve proof.
We strongly recommend that you adopt iubenda’s Cookie Preference Log, otherwise you can override this result.
iubenda’s Privacy Controls and Cookie Solution includes a cookie banner to collect consent, and a Cookie Preference Log where you can audit, filter, and retrieve proof.
We strongly recommend that you adopt iubenda’s Cookie Preference Log, otherwise you can override this result.
We haven’t gathered enough information to determine whether or not you are providing a link to your terms and conditions. This usually happens when something hasn’t been set up correctly. We recommend you check this out. iubenda’s Terms and Conditions Generator can help you fix this issue. Otherwise, you can override this result.
We are unable to determine whether you are displaying US-specific terms and conditions clauses. This usually happens when something is wrong; we highly recommend you check this out. iubenda’s Terms and Conditions Generator can help you fix this issue by allowing you to include different US-specific clauses (to know which are these clauses and where to find them in our Generator, please read our guide .). Otherwise, you can override this result.